We’re continuing the trend this week of a short, snappy share, but which still has depth, giving us all something to think about.
It came to me after reflecting on my comments from last week on wellbeing being a concept that starts with the self, but then involves others if we want to continue the journey. Out teams, friends, families, organizations, communities and wider society.
This flow of egosystem to ecosystem is one we consider in my leadership development programs, beginning with a focus on leading self before moving to leading others and finally driving change.
I’d love to hear your feedback on the table below. Has it derailed your efforts in personal or team change over the years? In which area is it hardest to make the switch?
I think we often find both ourselves and others exhibiting behavior in the left-hand column when we’re threatened, when fear sets in, when the stakes are high. It’s human nature. The key is to recognize what’s going on. Pause. And let go.
Have a great week everyone. Thanks for reading and see you next week.
Egosystem v Ecosystem
We’re continuing the trend this week of a short, snappy share, but which still has depth, giving us all something to think about.
It came to me after reflecting on my comments from last week on wellbeing being a concept that starts with the self, but then involves others if we want to continue the journey. Out teams, friends, families, organizations, communities and wider society.
This flow of egosystem to ecosystem is one we consider in my leadership development programs, beginning with a focus on leading self before moving to leading others and finally driving change.
I’d love to hear your feedback on the table below. Has it derailed your efforts in personal or team change over the years? In which area is it hardest to make the switch?
I think we often find both ourselves and others exhibiting behavior in the left-hand column when we’re threatened, when fear sets in, when the stakes are high. It’s human nature. The key is to recognize what’s going on. Pause. And let go.
Have a great week everyone. Thanks for reading and see you next week.